Upper Body Routine for Kristi by Daddy. i love you!

Ex. 1 - Overhead Triceps

Ex. 5 - Shoulder Press

Ex. 9 - Lat Pull

Ex. 13 - Front Shoulder

Ex. 2 - Close Grip Triceps

Ex. 6 - Reverse Triceps

Ex. 10 - Bicep Curl (Cable)

Ex. 14 - Push Ups

Ex. 3 - Chest Press

Ex. 7 - Triceps (Pronated Grip)

Ex. 11 - Bicep Curl (From Btm)

Ex. 4 - Chest Fly

Ex. 8 - Reverse Fly (Rear Delts)

Ex. 12 - Lateral Shoulder

Exercise Notes:

Shoulder Press
(Ex. 5) – Bend from the waist to near parallel with the floor (not shown in pic).

(Ex. 6 and 7) – Both hands at same time (not shown in pic).

Lat Pull
(Ex. 9) – Both handles in one hand (not shown in pic).

Bicep Curl

(Ex. 10) – Both hands at same time facing door (not shown in pic).

Bicep Curl

(Ex. 11) – Back to door is better (not shown in pic).

Lateral Shoulder
(Ex. 12) – Can be done facing door (not shown in pic).

Front Shoulder
(Ex. 13) – Can be done facing door (not shown in pic).

Resistance Notes:
Set #1: One blue band for each hand.
Set #2: One red band for each hand.
Set #3: Two blue bands for each hand, or if that is too much, use one red band and step out farther from the door.

The object is to increase resistance with each set, taking your muscles to failure (or close to failure). This builds and shapes muscles. Also, note that you want to flow from exercise to exercise without stopping (or stopping as little as possible). Your stance should change very little, if at all.